Dayton Bulldog's Athletic Program is seeking a MS Head Softball Coach for the upcoming season. Applications can be found under "Employment Resources." Salary range, dependent upon qualifications is $1826-$3652. For more information contact the District Office at 509-382-2543. Open until filled. EOE.

Dayton Bulldog's Athletic Program is seeking a MS Asst. Softball Coach for the upcoming season. Applications can be found under "Employment Resources." Salary range, dependent upon qualifications is $1461-$3287. For more information contact the District Office at 509-382-2543. Open until filled. EOE.


Positions open through the ESD 112 for a Special Education Paraeducator for the Dayton School District. Short-term trial opportunities available. For more information on job qualifications and instructions to apply for this position please see the following:

Please email hilary.wheeler@esd112.org or call 503-330-8209

Substitutes Needed!!

The Dayton School District is looking for substitute teachers, paraeducators, food service assistants, custodians and bus drivers. Must be able to pass a fingerprint background check. To apply, fill out a certificated application (teachers) or classified application and turn in to the District office along with a resume. For more information contact the District office at 509-382-2543. EOE

Positions open for substitute school bus drivers. Class B CDL with school bus endorsement is preferred but not required. Training is available. Contact Danon Griffen at 382-2292 or Jana Eaton at 382-2543. Open until filled. EOE

**New employees are conditional upon fingerprinting and background checks. For more information contact the District Office at 509-382-2543.

The Dayton School District welcomes applications to substitute as certified teachers, teacher's aides, custodians, and kitchen helpers. Applications may be obtained at the District office, located at 609 S. Second Street, or call Jana Eaton at 509.382.2543 for more information. The Dayton School District is an equal opportunity employer.

The Dayton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Title IX Officer - Jana Eaton (janae@daytonsd.org) and/or Section 504/ADA Coordinator Hannelee Farrell (hanneleef@daytonsd.org). Questions or complaints can be directed to the District office located at 609 S 2nd St. Dayton, WA 99328 or by phone at 509-382-2543.