Staff Forms
Accident & injury reporting/information | |
Certificated & Classified Staff | |
Time sheet for certificated and classified subs. Return to District office at end of each month worked. | |
Request should be submitted to building principal one month prior to departure date | |
For Use in reporting a student injury or accident. Should be turned in the the elem or MS/HS office. | |
Turn in to building principal for approval. Meals reimbursed only on overnight trips. | |
Requests should be submitted to the building principal or supervisor. | |
Fill out this form to request professional development funds to attend workshops, conferences, training, etc. | |
Fill out this form when the hotel costs exceed the allowed Per Diem rates as identified by the State chart | |
Per Diem Rates as identified by County in Washington State | |
Families First Coronavirus Response Act Informational Poster | Paid Sick Leave & Expanded Family and Medical Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act |
Instructions on how to earn clock hours for Safe Schools on-line training. | |
FAQ of Clock Hours | |
Link to online employee accident reporting. In the event of an employee accident on campus please fill out this form within 24 hours of the accident/mishap. | |
To refer a student to Student Support Specialist, Kristie Korslund, please fill out the form and send it to or call extension 314. | |
Request for Technology Services | To request tech assistance please email your request to: |
Complete form and turn into your building administrator before making a purchase. Once approved the building secretary will enter the requisition/purchase order. | |
Complete form and turn into your building administrator or ASB Secretary before making a purchase. Once approved the building secretary will enter the requisition/purchase order. |