Bulldog pride is all over campus this week! We had the pleasure of watching Dayton's own Hudson Reser
honored with the CCI Speer Academic All-Star award on KLEW TV last night and at the same time our Middle School Girls Basketball was finishing their season UNDEFEATED!
Way to go girls. and way to go coaches - Jim Sueuga, Dez Jones, and Andee Thurston, your time and dedication to our girls is appreciated and your efforts are evident!
And if that isn't enough, today we send off our high school boys basketball team the DW Wolfpack to the first round of State Tournament! Sirens, cheering, and fist-pumps will line second street as we send them off!
Hudson, Bulldogs and Wolfpack, we are so proud of you and can't wait to see what you do next! This is why we do what we do...
"All the successful teams I've ever seen have three characteristics: They play UNSELFISH, they play TOGETHER, and they play HARD." ~ Larry Brown