Welcome back to school! Please take a moment to review a Letter to Families from our Secondary Principal, Mrs. Joyce. You can find the letter below.
Hello Dayton Bulldog Families:
Welcome to the 2023/2024 school year!
I’m excited for our first week on campus with students in the building! I will be visiting every classroom multiple times, connecting with students during passing and lunch sessions, and celebrating our students during our first assembly. There are so many great things going on in Dayton Middle and High School!
A few great things to share:
Our middle and high school AESD Accreditation was approved at the end of the 2022/23 school year. The application process was completed during the 3rd quarter of the school year and finalized with commendations and recommendations going forward.
A few of our local deputies and the sheriff will be on-campus the first day and will visit at various times throughout the school day - they are here building relationships with students and supporting safety on our campus.
Our first assembly will be a Spirit Assembly on Friday, September 1st. This assembly will be filled with introducing new staff members, engaging students in fun activities, and pepping up the crowd for the 1st Friday Night Lights at home (game starts @7pm).
There are a few letters included in this packet. Please review the following information: Attendance & Truancy Information, What is Advisory?, Cell Phone & Personal Device Expectations-families, Cell Phone & Personal Device Expectations-students, See Say Do Something, and a letter from the Education Ombudsman (OEO). Also, review the Student Handbook.
We will be hosting Parent Information Nights this year. Our first evening is being planned and a date/time will be shared soon. We encourage you to attend.
In closing, my door is open to you and I welcome your conversation. Together we will guide Dayton students through a well-rounded learning environment to support a bright future aligned to their personalized pathway beyond high school.
Guinevere Joyce