Students and volunteers at the Reality Fair

Colton Steinhoff was given the job (on paper) of a computer technician but quickly realized he had to get a second job. So, Door Dash would fill in those financial gaps. "I thought I knew more than I did," Colton said when we sat down and chatted about the Reality Fair put on by Gear UP!

Volunteer for the GEAR UP reality fair. Monday, September 23td at the Dayton High School Media Center. Click the QR code to sign up

It's basically a game of Life where you move around the room, budget for car, housing, cell phones and plans and clothing. "I never thought about having to invest in clothing for my profession!" said Steinhoff. Light bulbs came on for many students as they moved around the room and watched their bottom line change with each and every decision.

Volunteer for the GEAR UP reality fair. Monday, September 23td at the Dayton High School Media Center. Click the QR code to sign up

Heather Clarys, WSU Gear UP Site Manager, organizes this event for exactly the reason declared by Steinhoff, "It made me think I need to learn more!"

Thank you to all the volunteers who gave of their time to sell cell phone plans, deal cars, help students select furniture and deal out Life events.