a few words from rich, picture

The number one priority for our district is the safety of our students and staff.  As many of you know, our local Sheriff’s Deputies let us know they were in the process of apprehending a suspect near our school.  The suspect was moving away from our grounds and I decided to call a soft-lockdown, which means we lock all outside doors, and not allow anyone to enter or exit during this time, but carry on as normally as possible on the interior of the building.  During this time our District Office is staying in contact with the Sheriff’s department to determine if we can release the lockdown or go to a complete lockdown.  Within a short period of time the suspect was apprehended, the school was notified and we went back to normal.  

So, what is our protocol:  When we are notified of the need to go to a lockdown, either by our own staff or law enforcement, my first responsibility is to see that all of our students and staff are as safe and secure as possible, at the same time we are making sure we have accurate information and then we can notify our parents of the situation. After this last situation we did notice some numbers or emails are no longer valid.  Please make sure that you have a current phone number and or email updated with the building secretaries or the District Office.  Our District does have the capability of contacting you by text, phone, or email.  As we receive updated information we will keep you informed.

I know that each of you love your children and grandchildren and want to come to the school to make sure they are alright.  During a serious lockdown we will not be able to answer phones or let anyone in the building.  The best, but hardest thing to do is stay away and when we can we will let you know where the reunification site will be so that you can pick up your children.  It is easy to think that nothing can happen in our small rural area, but I want to make sure that we have done everything possible to make sure everyone is as safe as possible.  Thank you for trusting us with your children and please make sure we have current information.