Presidential Award recipient for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (2014) and passionate landscape artist, Pam Nolan’s exuberance for teaching is undeniable! Her list of accomplishments is extensive and while working on her pHD is impressive, what really stuck with me, since I sat down with Pam, was her incredible outlook of life through immense loss.
After the loss of her husband four years ago, followed by several other family members, a new direction began to emerge for this passionate STEAM teacher. “How can my life experiences draw others in?” she said as we visited. Even though the talk of loss is hard it has created a new empathy for Pam. Her losses have allowed her to connect with students in a new way. To see a Kindergarten student light up when they realize what they are capable of is the subject of her dissertation: The benefits of little guys learning science (my paraphrased title of course!) The actual title is "STEAM in the Early Primary Grades: A Case Study . . . Are Elementary Schools Omitting Foundational and Valuable Curriculum?"

Pam came from a family of teachers and engineers. STEAM is in her blood! She always knew she wanted to teach and her accomplishments have proven her childhood dream. Pam is stepping into a new season as she prepares to remarry! Fiance, David, is a retired engineer and will be coming alongside Pam as she continues to change the world through STEAM. They have dreams of bringing STEAM to the community through Family STEAM activities and a whole lot of joy!
When asked Pam her favorite landscaping tip she replied; “Think of the seasons. Let it progress and create itself. Don’t get overwhelmed. When I think of my garden space I think of how I can engage all my senses through the seasons.” I find this to be valued advice for life! How can the space around us draw us in whether it is the winter seasons of life or the blooming spring? How can our space draw others in? Being in Pam’s space drew me into her joy and love of the kids. I hope as you get to know her that you feel the same draw and you welcome her in return.