For the past several months we have been working diligently at the District Office for today! December 5 was designated as "Launch Day" for our new online platform called FMX. This may not make national headlines but it is worth sharing about. We'll pause and let the applause settle down...
What is FMX? As technology evolves we do as well. FMX is an online platform that now handles all of our maintencence requests, facility use requests, key requests, transportation requests and even volunteer requests!
For staff you will be able to go to one place, submit your request (maintenance, key, schedule or volunteer request), follow it to completion and have the peace of knowing it's being handled.
For community you can access the symstem to request the use of one of our multiple facilities.
No more paper! So as we celebrate this brief moment of achievement let me show you how to use it in 6 easy steps:
#1 - Go to our school website at
#2 - Find the "FMX Facilities Use Requests" link in the upper right-hand corner and click to open
#3 - You'll be asked to log in or create an account. If you are on staff you can sign in with your email. If you are a community member you will need to create an account.
#4 - Once you've created an account you will see a calendar homepage within FMX. Here you see what is on the calendar and make requests. You can make a new request by selecting "New Request" in the upper right hand corner. A drop-down menu will show you your options.
**It is important to note that a "schedule request" is the same as a "facilities use request"**
#5 - The second field is asking for you to name your request. This is what will be seen on the calendar.
#6 - Continue filling out all of the fields. When you're finished click "submit" at the bottom
**If you don't see the "submit" button light up make sure you read and checked the box regarding the Facilities Use Policy form**
That's it! Once you submit your request it will go through an online approval process. Once the request is approved you will receive a notification. There is also a chat bubble within each request that allows you to correspond within that request.
As with all tech there are details to be worked out as we grow and change. If for any reason you have difficulty accessing FMX or maybe your request isn't being submitted or there may be a schedule conflict, please don't hesitate calling the District Office for help. Suzi is our FMXpert and will be able to assist you. She can be reached M-F at 509-382-2543 from 8-4:30. If it is outside of office hours, please submit your questions to Suzi at
Thank you for taking a moment to learn all about FMX and how you can enjoy it too!