While the sun may be shining this moment, our area is set to receive more snow this afternoon. When weather is tricky we have 3 options.
Option 1 is a 2-hour delay with no morning Preschool.
Option 2 is a 2-hour delay with Snow Routes for busses.
Option 3 is closing school for the day.
If your kids are riding the bus, please take a moment and familiarize yourself with the Snow Routes document - found here. Snow Routes are a vital aspect of our transportation and operating plan as it is a way we can keep school in session when roads are being problematic. Snow Routes are multiple central locations, based upon your usual route, where your student can meet the bus and safely get to school.
If and when inclement weather comes our way the District will announce operating procedure for the day as early as possible, giving you the best option to plan your day. As always, please make sure your information is up-to-date in Skyward, or call the District Office. Alerts will be sent via email, text, calls, our website, app, and social media.
Enjoy the beauty of the season as safely as you can and we will work to do the same at the school.