Happy New Year! The snow is falling, and the campus is quiet, at least for a few more hours. My phone has decided it has been silent long enough and is keeping me busy! I receive lots of questions about where to find information, how to reserve a facility or "What was the date of..."? I am always happy to help so keep the calls coming. My help today is to give you a new tip about our website.
Did you know we had a website? We have a great website that is loaded with information. Today I want to share about Events. You can find our website at www.daytonsd.org. Once your there you'll be on the homepage with a picture of the High School. Scroll to the bottom where you will find Events. It will look like this -

Once you're there click on "See All Events". You will see on the left side of the screen two unchecked boxes. You can either leave them unchecked to see both calendars or choose the District Events to see basic District calendar information.
Now, take a look at the right side of the screen where you can choose a "List View" or "Calendar View" This is just a preference setting of how you like to view information.
The middle of the screen allows you to select the month you would like to view. You will notice some events are underlined as a hyperlink. By clicking on those you will see the event within FMX, our online facilities management platform. You will also notice the option to add the event to your calendar as well when you hover over the event.
As you explore our website, you will find there is more there than you could have possibly imagined! Please let me know if there is something you would like to know more about. I am happy to create another article to help you get the most from your website experience.
Thanks for hanging in there with me for a minute! Go find an event and add it to your calendar and we'll see you there. Happy 2023!